Glenn: open heart surgery #2

Her heart failed. Again.
It all happened so quickly. One moment I was holding her, the next alarms on her monitor went crazy, doctors were running to her, while pushing me out of their circle, nurses were rushing to bring them meds, pads, tubes, syringes, and in between, I was escorted out into the hallway.
Time stopped.
She spent a few days before the surgery at the ICU, intubated and sedated. Everyone was just hoping her heart would get strong enough for the procedure.
Glenn was a turning point for her! She came out of that surgery incomparably better than after Norwood. But still... it was hard to see her back where we were. Cut. Intubated. Heavily sedated. Fighting congestive heart failure. Fighting arrhythmia. And all I could have helped with was just holding her tiny little hand, stroking her face, brushing her hair and admiring her.
She is the strongest person I know.